Articles by category: Santa Barbara Chiropractor

Santa Barbara Chiropractor

The health choices you make today will benefit you forever…

The health choices you make today will benefit you forever…

When you change the course of your health, and adopt the behaviors that must happen for that course to change, you change not only YOUR life, but everyone who comes after you…


30 day challenge- attitude of gratitude

30 day challenge- attitude of gratitude

Today marks Day 1 of a fitness challenge that Nick and I are doing; Day 1 of a fitness challenge I am coaching, AND Day 1 of a challenge I am about to impart on YOU!


Top 5 Pain-Free Travel Tips using Chiropractic Wellness

Top 5 Pain-Free Travel Tips using Chiropractic Wellness

If you are one of the many who will be hopping in the car for a long ride full of audio tapes and lip sync battles (you do that too, right?), absolutely dreading it because you are wondering how to safely get wherever you are going without spending your entire vacation in pain…well, this one is for you.

